Wizard with a Gun Game Review – In-Depth Exploration of Crafting, Combat, and Survival Gameplay

Expanding the horizons of a genre, so its traditional elements don’t intimidate newcomers, is a challenging endeavor. It demands a delicate balance of preserving what works while infusing fresh innovation, and such an undertaking requires time and finesse. Wizard with a Gun, developed by Galvanic Games and published by Devolver Digital, appears to wholeheartedly embrace this challenge, thanks in part to its four years of development.

Wizard with a Gun Game Review
(Image Credit: Google)

Upon immersing myself in this survival action-adventure, I found that it excelled at appealing to players like me, who are relatively new to the survival adventure genre. It offers an inviting and engaging experience that doesn’t alienate newcomers, and that’s an accomplishment worth noting.

Wizard with a Gun: Battling Chaos in a Time-Bending World

In Wizard with a Gun, players find themselves in a crumbling world, taking on the role of a silent gunmancer with customizable abilities. Their mission: to repeatedly rewind time and, in doing so, thwart the impending reign of Chaos. To achieve this, players must embark on a quest to recover special artifacts capable of restoring the Chronomancer’s Wheel, a pivotal device responsible for the ongoing time rewinds. All of this unfolds within the central hub known as the Tower, which serves as the nexus for all essential resources and endeavors.

Wizard with a Gun – An Addictive Gameplay Loop

Wizard with a Gun presents an initially overwhelming premise, largely due to an abundance of tutorials that fail to effectively convey what the actual gameplay experience entails. However, once you push past those initial minutes, you’ll gradually uncover a highly addictive gameplay loop that will hold your attention for the long haul.

(Image Credit: Google)

To simplify the game’s setting, it can be divided into two distinct areas: the Tower, as mentioned earlier, and the Shatter, which you explore. The Shatter is where you’ll undoubtedly spend the majority of your time, although not quite in the manner you might expect.

As mentioned previously, time manipulation is a constant theme throughout the game, imparting a certain roguelike quality to the experience. When you first start, you’ll notice that you can only explore the Shatter for a limited duration, necessitating that you accomplish as much as possible on each foray before retreating to the Tower, where time comes to a halt. The roguelike aspect becomes evident as the biomes of the Shatter are randomly generated with each visit, ensuring that no two adventures are exactly alike.


Gears in Wizard with a Gun

The primary gameplay loop in Wizard with a Gun centers around acquiring gears in the Shatter to complete the Chronomancer’s Wheel in the Tower, consequently unlocking new areas. However, this goal involves several intricate steps.

(Image Credit: Google)

To begin, you must ensure you’re adequately equipped for the task at hand. The game allows you to craft and upgrade an array of firearms, each equipped with ammo featuring unique elemental properties. This arsenal is further enhanced by the synergistic effects achieved when using these weapons in tandem. This impressive level of customization extends to support abilities and harmful effects inflicted upon enemies, such as charm, granting players the opportunity to express their individual playstyles.


Crafting and Combat

Wizard with a Gun, despite being primarily a game centered around crafting, offers a significant array of combat options that should not be underestimated. In all honesty, the cycle of acquiring improved gear served as the linchpin of my motivation to keep playing, not to diminish the effectiveness of the other gameplay elements.

(Image Credit: Google)

The beauty of Wizard with a Gun lies in the seamless synergy between its various components, a design that becomes even more apparent when considering the limited time you have in the Shatter. Every action outside the Tower must be purposeful, with little room for time wastage and aimless exploration.

The Shatter’s maps are intentionally compact and densely packed with collectibles, all of which play essential roles in crafting and overall progression. Additionally, you’ll encounter NPCs who provide valuable information and recipes, as well as predefined locations for crafting items when the need arises. This tight and efficient integration of gameplay elements ensures that every moment in Wizard with a Gun serves a distinct purpose, driving the player towards their ultimate goal.

Time Management

It’s essential to underline that a time limit in the Shatter doesn’t lead to an immediate Game Over. Instead, the world gradually deteriorates, offering players ample time to retreat to the Tower and initiate a new cycle with the gears. In essence, the time limit introduces a sense of urgency without plunging players into immediate peril, akin to the pressure felt in a game like Majora’s Mask. Moreover, defeating creatures spawned by the Chaos in the Shatter not only extends your time but also provides valuable Arcana crafting materials.

Crafting in Wizard with a Gun is notably streamlined, thanks to the aptly named Worldbuilder, which dispenses crafted recipes as if they were bullets. This effectively allows you to carry a portable crafting table with you, albeit limited to basic structures. The First Edition, a book housing character and item lore, serves as a conduit for learning new recipes. These features, as you delve deeper into the game, effortlessly meld together, mitigating the initial learning curve faced by newcomers to the title.

(Video Credit: DevolverDigital)

Essential Tools in Wizard with a Gun and the Balance of Foes

Another indispensable tool in your arsenal is the Groundlayer, aptly named for its function of laying tiles on the ground. These tiles function as makeshift bridges, granting access to previously unreachable areas both within the Tower and the Shatter. In essence, every tool at your disposal plays a crucial role in your journey. I found immense enjoyment in mastering the swift and effective swapping of loadouts, though I must admit that the enemies in the game somewhat diminished my attachment to it.

As visually stunning as Wizard with a Gun is, the adversaries you encounter don’t deviate significantly in practicality. Many of them can be dispatched without extensive strategic thinking. This can likely be attributed to the feeling of overwhelming power, particularly in the later stages of the game, and I believe a bit of scaling back in this aspect would have enhanced the importance of crafting and upgrading.

On the flip side, if cosmetic variation is more your cup of tea, you’ll find ample opportunities to customize your player character’s appearance with stylish gear and alter the game’s environments. While it may not be my personal preference, the option is available for those who enjoy adding their personal touch to the game.

The Verdict

Wizard with a Gun is an enticing action-adventure game that seamlessly fuses the elements of roguelike and crafting. While it may seem slow in the initial hours, those who persist will discover a deep and immersive experience, as they enhance their base and character. This game has much to offer, even if you’re not a dedicated enthusiast of the survival genre.

Furthermore, the addition of multiplayer functionality significantly boosts its replay value, making it a well-rounded gaming choice. Despite any reservations stemming from a sluggish start, Wizard with a Gun is a title with a wealth of enjoyable features waiting to be explored.

Game Information

Wizard with a Gun, developed by Galvanic Games and published by Devolver Digital, emerged into the gaming world on October 17, 2023, exclusively on the PC platform. It embraces the sandbox action genre, offering players a captivating fusion of roguelike and crafting elements. While the initial hours may seem slow, patient players will uncover a deeply immersive experience as they enhance their base and character. Notably, the addition of multiplayer functionality provides substantial replay value, making Wizard with a Gun a well-rounded choice for gamers, even those not typically drawn to the survival genre.



Q1: What is Wizard with a Gun, and what sets it apart from other games in the survival adventure genre?

A1: Wizard with a Gun is a survival action-adventure game developed by Galvanic Games and published by Devolver Digital. It distinguishes itself by offering an inviting and engaging experience for newcomers to the survival adventure genre.

Q2: What is the core premise of Wizard with a Gun?

A2: In Wizard with a Gun, players take on the role of a gunmancer in a crumbling world. Their mission is to repeatedly rewind time to prevent the reign of Chaos. To achieve this, they must recover special artifacts to restore the Chronomancer’s Wheel in the central hub called the Tower.

Q3: How does Wizard with a Gun incorporate time manipulation into its gameplay?

A3: Time manipulation is a central theme in the game. Players explore the Shatter, where biomes are randomly generated, and time is limited. They must accomplish as much as possible before retreating to the Tower, where time stops. This creates a roguelike experience with each visit to the Shatter being unique.

Q4: What is the primary gameplay loop in Wizard with a Gun, and how does crafting factor into it?

A4: The primary gameplay loop revolves around acquiring gears in the Shatter to complete the Chronomancer’s Wheel in the Tower, unlocking new areas. Crafting plays a significant role, allowing players to customize and upgrade firearms, each with unique elemental properties, as well as support abilities and harmful effects.

Q5: How does Wizard with a Gun balance crafting and combat elements in its gameplay?

A5: Despite its crafting focus, the game offers a wide array of combat options. The synergy between different gameplay elements is seamless and efficient, ensuring that every action serves a distinct purpose, particularly in the time-limited Shatter.

Q6: Does Wizard with a Gun feature a time limit for gameplay in the Shatter?

A6: Yes, there is a time limit in the Shatter, which gradually deteriorates as players explore. However, it doesn’t lead to an immediate Game Over, and players have ample time to retreat to the Tower and initiate a new cycle with the gears.

Q7: What are some of the tools and abilities players can utilize in Wizard with a Gun?

A7: Players have tools like the Groundlayer for laying tiles, serving as makeshift bridges. These tools are essential for exploration. They also have an array of customizable abilities and weapons.

Q8: How does Wizard with a Gun handle its enemy encounters, and what’s the player’s experience in battling foes?

A8: The game features visually stunning enemies but doesn’t offer significant practical variation in combat. Some adversaries can be dispatched without extensive strategic thinking, which may be due to the player’s sense of overwhelming power in later stages. There is room for more enemy diversity.

Q9: Is there a multiplayer mode in Wizard with a Gun, and how does it enhance the game’s replay value?

A9: Yes, Wizard with a Gun includes multiplayer functionality, which significantly boosts its replay value. Players can team up with others for an enhanced cooperative experience.

Q10: What is the overall impression of Wizard with a Gun?

A10: Wizard with a Gun is an enticing action-adventure game that fuses elements of roguelike and crafting. It offers a deep and immersive experience, even for those who are not dedicated survival genre enthusiasts. Multiplayer functionality enhances its appeal, making it a well-rounded gaming choice.

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