The Last Faith 2023 – A Souls-like Combat and Metroidvania Exploration

When you think about The Last Faith, you can see influences from three games: Castlevania, Bloodborne, and Blasphemous. Yet, it’s unique enough to stand out on its own. I really enjoyed this game, and the best part is, even after playing for 25 hours, there’s still more for me to explore, with only 69% completion. The Metroidvania style keeps me engaged, offering more to do even after defeating the final boss. The excitement and satisfaction of using new abilities to discover hidden paths and secrets are reminiscent of Metroidvania games. Combine that with a Bloodborne-style look and challenging combat, and you get The Last Faith.

The Last Faith 2023
(Image Credit: Google)

Souls-like Metroidvania Experience in The Last Faith

It’s not a perfect game, but it comes close, and it delivers a unique, soul-like experience that I could really recommend to anyone. Let’s talk about the level design first. As you can see, it’s a typical Metroidvania-style map. It’s got connecting ladders and doors that sometimes you’ll have to come back to later. The areas themselves also have different themes. You have ice areas, mansions, caves, swamp areas, and other various-looking environments, which I thought were very aesthetically pleasing. My only real complaint with the map is basically some quality-of-life things that I wish were there.

(Image Credit: Google)

For example, when I died and dropped my souls, the map wouldn’t indicate their location. So I had to remember exactly where I was in order to find them. Additionally, there was no objective marked on the map, providing no clear direction on where I’m supposed to go next, but in a way that kind of added to the experience with the exploration, I felt like it was more satisfying to find where to go, but I will admit at times it was a little bit frustrating, especially when I just had to consciously remember my departure point to return later. I had to memorize the names of the areas. Where I just was, because later I had to go back, it was very easy to forget and very easy to get lost. This was my primary concern with the game. Nevertheless, I found it somewhat forgivable because farming was easy to do and the items were easy to buy.

For example, the healing items are very cheap, so I didn’t have to farm much to regain those souls and then purchase the consumable healing items. Similar to Bloodborne, you consume them, and they don’t replenish like flasks. You have to actively find and buy these healing items. However, they’re quite cheap, so it wasn’t too punishing if I lost my souls or forgot their location. Additionally, exploring in this game was incredibly satisfying. Discovering new areas and seeing the completion percentage increase provided a gratifying experience. To me, a good Metroidvania delivers that sense of satisfaction. I genuinely love Souls Metroidvania; it feels like an excellent blend and is probably my favorite among Souls-like games.


This game features a bloodborne kind of Castlevania aesthetic. The visual and gameplay aspects are just gorgeous. Regarding the combat, I managed to unlock a variety of weapons, but my top pick was the great sword, which dominated throughout the entire game. The combat system is very Souls-like, incorporating elements such as rolling, dodging, iframes, and satisfying executions. The only thing it lacks is some backstab mechanics; a good backstab would be a welcome addition. Aside from that, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The boss fights and enemy encounters offered a lot of variety, making it not only challenging but also enjoyable to take them on.

Satisfying combat and boss fights elevate the Souls-like Experience

(Image Credit: Google)

I enjoyed farming. I enjoyed killing these enemies over and over. If I was just traveling somewhere and trying to get somewhere, I just wanted to kill everything in my path—an indication of my satisfaction with the combat mechanics, the diversity of enemies, and the overall gaming experience. So, as far as it being a soul like, it does a good job of making me want to farm and beat these enemies over and over. The game incorporates Metroidvania features, such as unlocked abilities like dash, double jump, and grapple hook. These enhancements not only facilitated traversal but also heightened the overall combat experience. Since I was able to dodge and double jump away from enemies and bosses, it added a sense of platforming to the challenge, making the entire gameplay even more enjoyable.

But, more importantly, the souls like combat really took charge, and when it was down to the basics of dodging, parrying, and attacking, the basics ruled in defeating enemies and bosses in this game. I enjoyed every boss encounter in this game. That’s easily what makes this game even better. So let’s talk about these boss fights. I really appreciated the fact that some of them used the same elements, such as fire or electricity, but all were designed in such a way that they were different from each other. Whether it be their attack patterns, the arena that we’re fighting in, or the actual design of the bosses themselves, similar themes were used, such as werewolves, flying beasts, or like the ‘hot mommies,’ which brought something fresh to the table, but they’re all different in some way. It always felt within the theme, but refreshing every time because it felt new. They felt very inspired and carefully crafted. This attention to detail significantly enhanced the overall experience.

(Video Credit: GameTrailers)

I also appreciate the bosses because they’re easy to underestimate. Some seem very easy until I get greedy and punished for it. That’s a good thing. I felt the bosses really do their job when it comes to being solid, souls like bosses. I underestimated them, I got greedy, and I died. I learn from my mistakes, and then I get it done. They all felt satisfied with defeat in that way. Each boss varies in difficulty from the others, but they all taught me patience and patterns to learn, and ultimately I just got my soul-like fix that I always love, and these bosses definitely did that for me.

Sound in the Last Faith: Hauntingly Beautiful

As for the music and sound effects, there are so many Bloodborne vibes when it comes to the sound effects. From climbing the ladders to the enemies, sounds themselves, or combat sound effects, it’s all very bloodborne-inspired. The OST is actually really good. Great boss theme music, as well as these ambient vibes when I’m exploring caves and other areas. Music that was very fitting for each area and sometimes emotionally tugging on my heartstrings.

When it comes to the storytelling in the game, you might initially think, ‘Oh, it’s Souls-like, so there’s probably no story. But there’s actually one here! You can sense a bunch of lore, which I haven’t explored, but I can definitely see some deep dive lore coming from the community in this game because there’s a lot of characters. It looks like there’s a lot of history and what’s going on, and my character being a part of it, I was curious about and interested. It did feel kind of straightforward for souls-like. but it still had mystery and lore to it, which can have me guessing what certain things even mean or what they mean to me. how these certain characters are impacting the world around me and what my character means to them. I enjoyed the back-and-forth dialogue between the characters, and I liked that my character could actually talk to them. Overall, I felt all the voice acting was done well; it was believable, it was fitting, and the tones and accents and everything they had went really well with this game and the theme.


I would say The Last Faith is a must-play. If you’re into Metroidvania, and if you’re especially into Souls Metroidvania, and if you’re a big fan of Blasphemous, you have to play this game. 2D games can be so special, and they can be just such gems, and this is definitely one of them.

Even if you’re not really that much into Souls but you love Metroidvania, I think you would like this game as well. It’s got great bosses, great music, and great level design. It’s not perfect. It’s got a little bit of nitpicking. Yes, I kind of have my gripes with the map and some quality of life, but overall, it’s a great game, and I just highly recommend it.

FAQs for The Last Faith 2023 Review

Q1: What genre does The Last Faith belong to, and what are its main inspirations?

A1: The Last Faith is described as a Souls-like Metroidvania game. It draws inspiration from games like Castlevania, Bloodborne, and Blasphemous. The review emphasizes that while it takes inspiration from these titles, it also has unique elements that make it stand out on its own.

Q2: How is the level design in The Last Faith, and what themes and environments are explored in the game?

A2: The game follows a typical Metroidvania-style map with connecting ladders and doors. The areas in the game have different themes, including ice areas, mansions, caves, swamp areas, and other environments. The review praises the aesthetic appeal of these environments. However, it mentions some quality-of-life issues with the map, such as the lack of indicators for dropped souls and the absence of clear objectives, which added to the exploration experience but could be frustrating at times.

Q3: What is the combat system like in The Last Faith, and how does it compare to other Souls-like games?

A3: The combat system in The Last Faith is described as very Souls-like, incorporating elements such as rolling, dodging, iframes, and satisfying executions. The combat is compared to Bloodborne in terms of aesthetics and Souls-like combat mechanics. The review mentions a variety of weapons and praises the combat’s diversity, including boss fights and enemy encounters.

Q4: How are boss fights handled in The Last Faith, and what makes them enjoyable?

A4: Boss fights in the game are described as varied and challenging, with different bosses featuring elements like fire or electricity. The design of bosses, their attack patterns, and the arenas are crafted to make each boss feel unique. The review appreciates the attention to detail in boss design, and despite some bosses seeming easy, the review notes that they can punish players for being greedy, contributing to a satisfying experience.

Q5: What is the role of exploration in The Last Faith, and how does it contribute to the overall experience?

A5: Exploration in the game is said to be incredibly satisfying, with the discovery of new areas and an increasing completion percentage providing a gratifying experience. The game incorporates Metroidvania features, including unlocked abilities like dash, double jump, and grapple hook. These enhancements facilitate traversal and add a platforming element to the challenge, enhancing the overall gameplay.

Q6: How is the music, sound effects, and storytelling in The Last Faith?

A6: The review notes that the game has Bloodborne-inspired sound effects, with climbing ladders, enemy sounds, and combat sound effects reminiscent of Bloodborne. The OST (original soundtrack) is praised for its boss themes and ambient music that fits each area. The storytelling is mentioned to have lore, and the game’s characters and history create a sense of mystery and interest. The dialogue between characters and voice acting are also positively acknowledged.

Q7: What is the overall recommendation for The Last Faith, and who would enjoy playing it?

A7: The review concludes by recommending The Last Faith as a must-play, especially for fans of Metroidvania and Souls-like games. It suggests that even if someone is not a huge fan of Souls games but enjoys Metroidvania, they would still likely enjoy the game. Despite some nitpicks and not being perfect, the overall experience, including great bosses, music, and level design, makes it highly recommended.

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