Lies Of P Review – Master of Puppets: An Ideal Soulslike with No Strings Attached

In a sea of Souls-like games competing for our attention, one title dares to take a dark and twisted approach to the timeless tale of Pinocchio. Developed by the talented team at South Korean studio Neowiz Games, Lies of P presents a unique and loosely inspired retelling of Carlo Collodi’s 1883 novel, “The Adventures of Pinocchio.” This fresh, grim interpretation, set against a backdrop infused with the captivating aesthetics of the Belle Époque era, ensures that Lies of P‘s visual style stands out distinctly in the realm of Souls-likes, even when compared to From Software’s renowned creations.

Lies Of P
(Image Credit: Google)

While the influence of From Software’s Bloodborne is undeniably present, with its brooding atmosphere and intricate combat design reminiscent of the cosmic horror masterpiece, there are moments where Lies of P teeters on the edge of feeling overly derivative. However, Neowiz Games manages to inject just enough originality into the game to carve out its own identity, even if that identity is as delicate as a puppet’s string.

Lies of P: A Unique Twist on a Classic Tale Hindered by Slow Storytelling

In Lies of P, you step into the shoes of P, a lifelike puppet who awakens amidst the chaos of a puppet-led invasion in the fictional city of Krat. Familiar names like Geppetto and Gemini (the talking cricket) may ring a bell, but this story takes them in decidedly different directions. Gemini, for instance, is not an anthropomorphic insect but a tiny puppet encaged in a lantern on P’s belt, serving as both a guide and a light source. Similarly, characters like the Fox, Cat, and Alidoro are reimagined as common criminals and thieves, concealing their identities with animal masks for anonymity and infamy.

Lies Of P
(Image Credit: Google)

This unique twist on a well-known tale is what initially draws players into Lies of P, but it can be disappointing that the story takes a while to gain momentum, only really coming into its own close to the final act. The majority of the gameplay involves visiting various locations to rescue someone or defeat a specific enemy before returning to the central hub. The lack of a clear overarching goal makes the narrative feel unfocused, and it only truly gains momentum in the final hours when the main antagonist is revealed. Until then, there’s little to anchor your interest, aside from a curiosity about where the story might lead. The storytelling doesn’t intentionally hold back but leans heavily on expositional dumps, resulting in a narrative that lacks a sense of mystery. While there are intriguing moments scattered throughout, they are fleeting, and given the source material, one might reasonably expect more depth and engagement from the story.

Lies of P: A Morality System with Limited Impact in a Captivating World

In the game, you’ll encounter a morality system that occasionally presents you with a choice between telling the truth or lying. Most puppets in the game cannot lie, but Pinocchio, the exception, can. However, the lies you tell are rarely deceitful or hurtful; instead, they offer comfort rather than confront others with uncomfortable truths. For instance, you might reassure a dying mother by telling her that her (deceased) child is alive and well. These choices typically aren’t particularly challenging, and your decision often depends on which branching path you want to explore. Every time you lie, P’s springs react, making him more human. However, the impact of this mechanic on the story or gameplay doesn’t feel significant. While Neowiz claims that there are three different endings influenced by your honesty, aside from obtaining various rewards, it’s difficult to gauge how much your choices truly affect the game without replaying it entirely.

(Video Credit: PlayStation)

Despite the limited impact of the morality system and the story’s shortcomings, Lies of P shines through its captivating setting and exceptional sense of place. Each location is imbued with intriguing lore and visual storytelling, and the game’s art design and foreboding atmosphere breathe life into the city of Krat, giving it a distinct personality. The desire to delve deeper into this haunting world provides ample motivation to keep playing.

Lies of P: A Captivating Belle Epoque-Inspired World

Krat, with its Belle Epoque-era aesthetic, immediately conjures images of 19th-century France, complete with traces of Bal-musette music lingering like echoes of the city’s former glory. In the days before the events of the game, Krat was a city of wonders. The invention of animatronic puppets ushered in a period of prosperity, evident in the game’s blend of historical setting with distinctive steampunk elements. However, the city’s affluence came crashing down due to what survivors refer to as The Puppet Frenzy, a mysterious affliction that turned once-docile puppets into violent threats. Now, blood-stained bodies fill the cobblestone streets, and abandoned luggage is scattered near carriages and train platforms, a testament to those who attempted to flee the fallen metropolis.

Lies Of P
(Image Credit: Google)

Gaslit street lamps and theatrical signs illuminate the grim aftermath, while clockwork puppets, armed with battered stop signs and candelabras, emerge from the shadows. Lies of P immerses players in its atmospheric world, whether they’re exploring the heart of Krat or navigating the ominous forests and scrapyards on its outskirts. The visually striking environment isn’t merely for aesthetics; it’s integrated into excellent level design that embraces the best aspects of the genre. Enemy variety and placement are thoughtfully crafted, and locations often loop back on themselves, rewarding exploration with crucial shortcuts via ladders and unlocked doors.

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Familiar Framework with Unique Twists in Lies of P

Lies of P’s core structure draws inspiration from established genre conventions while infusing unique twists into the mix. It embraces many long-standing hallmarks:

  • Stargazers, akin to Bonfires in the Souls series, serve as checkpoints and resting points.
  • Ergo, an upgrade resource, is earned by defeating enemies and is at risk if you die, but you can recover it by returning to the site of your demise.
  • The leveling system is stat-based, impacting weapon buffs and other aspects of your character’s progression.
  • Environmental hazards like rolling boulders pose threats, turning inclines into potential dangers.
Lies Of P
(Image Credit: Google)

In terms of combat, Lies of P draws parallels with Bloodborne in its fast-paced, aggressive encounters. The gameplay encourages active engagement and seizing the advantage. Blocking attacks depletes both your stamina and health, but swift counterattacks allow you to regain lost health. This promotes an aggressive playstyle even if you initially adopt a defensive stance. While blocking is an option, the more effective strategy is parrying, which negates all incoming damage but requires precise timing. Consistently pulling off parries demands an understanding of enemy attack patterns and timing, particularly when facing formidable bosses. Perfect parries also inflict break damage, leaving enemies staggered and vulnerable to a devastating critical strike.

Precision and Pattern Learning in Combat

In the game, precision and timing are crucial for survival, particularly in boss battles. Encounters are centered around pattern recognition and precise execution. Enemies often disrupt your rhythm by pausing a moment too long before their swings or introducing unexpected attacks at the end of combos. This approach adds an enjoyable challenge to combat but may feel somewhat rigid.

Lies Of P
(Image Credit: Google)

Achieving a perfectly timed parry is immensely satisfying, accompanied by a dazzling display of sparks. Combat is consistently thrilling, with weapons feeling weighty and delivering impactful blows that drench P in oil. The game’s difficulty is punishing but fair, with even basic enemies posing a significant threat if you’re not fully focused. The difficulty curve ramps up gradually, providing a balanced experience that avoids feeling excessively easy or frustratingly difficult. While some bosses may present formidable challenges, Lies of P excels as a true Souls-like experience in terms of gameplay.

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Unlike other puppets in the city, which are designed for specific roles like maids, police officers, or miners, P is highly adaptable and customizable. His left arm hosts various secondary weapons, such as a grappling hook, mine launcher, and flamethrower, akin to Sekiro’s prosthetic arm. While the system has limitations, like the need to switch arms only at checkpoints, it introduces a degree of customization to the game, albeit not as extensive as in From Software titles.

Flexible Weapon Customization

In Lies of P, players have considerable freedom in choosing and customizing weapons. Each weapon in the game comprises two components: the head and the handle. The head determines the weapon’s attack style and guarding capabilities, while the handle influences stat-scaling and move sets. This unique weapon assembly system allows for a wide array of distinct weapons.

Lies Of P
(Image Credit: Google)

Players can experiment by combining different heads and handles, transforming weapons from thrusting to slashing or changing their scaling from strength to dexterity. Each weapon’s head and handle also feature a distinct Fable Art, which are special attacks that become available after accumulating enough Fable energy through damaging enemies. These Fable Arts can range from devastating single strikes to rapid combinations or temporary defensive boosts, adding an extra layer of flexibility to the diverse weapon assembly system.

Additionally, Game introduces an innovative mechanic where the amount of lost Ergo diminishes with each hit taken while attempting to recover it after death. This subtle change adds tension to moments when players must cautiously retrace their steps to retrieve lost resources.


While Lies of P embraces many existing mechanics and concepts, it successfully combines them into a compelling and challenging action game. It delivers a true Souls-like experience, seamlessly integrating various gameplay elements to create a diverse and atmospheric adventure. Although it doesn’t attempt to revolutionize the genre or introduce groundbreaking innovations, game stands out as one of the most accomplished and enjoyable entries in the Souls-like genre.


1. What is Lies of P and what sets it apart from other Souls-like games?

Lies of P is a Souls-like game developed by Neowiz Games with a unique twist on the story of Pinocchio. Its Belle Epoque-inspired setting and reimagined characters set it apart from other games in the genre.

2. How does the game’s morality system work, and does it significantly impact the story?

The game features a morality system where you can choose to tell the truth or lie in certain situations. While it affects branching paths and offers different rewards, the impact on the overall story may require multiple playthroughs to fully understand.

3. What stands out about Lies of P’s setting and atmosphere?

Lies of P offers a captivating setting in the city of Krat with a Belle Epoque-era aesthetic, combining historical elements with steampunk touches. The game’s atmosphere, visual storytelling, and level design contribute to its unique and immersive world.

4. How does combat in Lies of P compare to other Souls-like games?

Combat in Lies of P is fast-paced and encourages active engagement. It shares similarities with Bloodborne in terms of aggression and parrying. Timing and pattern recognition play a crucial role in surviving encounters and boss battles.

5. What makes Lies of P’s weapon system unique?

Lies of P’s weapon system allows you to customize weapons by combining different head and handle components. This system offers a wide range of weapon options and Fable Arts special attacks, adding flexibility to combat.

6. Does Lies of P introduce any innovative gameplay mechanics?

While the game builds on existing Souls-like mechanics, it does introduce some original elements. For example, when you die and lose Ergo (currency), the amount left diminishes with each hit when attempting to retrieve it.

7. Is Lies of P a derivative or worthwhile addition to the Souls-like genre?

Lies of P is described as a derivative game that stays true to the core Souls-like experience. Despite its clear inspirations, it is considered one of the genre’s most accomplished and enjoyable entries, offering a challenging and atmospheric gaming experience.

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