After Us Review: Exploring The World Filled with Beauty and Imperfections

Prepare to be immersed in the captivating world of After Us, a harmonious fusion of post-apocalyptic afterlife, reminiscent of the awe-inspiring Terra Nil, and the narrative-driven wonders of classic 3D platformers like Psychonauts. Yet, even in all its grandeur, this massive undertaking often stumbles along its own unknown path, struggling to find a clear direction amid the vast landscape. It relies heavily on laborious platforming segments and mundane battles, minus the moments that bridge heart-wrenching reunions with the ethereal spirits of the forest – each a key piece of the puzzle that leads to the game’s climax. important to do. Although wordless storytelling can sometimes be forgiven in a game of this nature, After Us suffers from a glaring inconsistency that belies its potential.

After Us
(Image Credit: Google)

Unleashing the Heart of the Forest: Gaia’s Power and the Enchanting Journey of After Us

As Gaia, the game’s enigmatic protagonist, you’ll explore an area full of possibilities. Gaia has an extraordinary gift: “the heart of the forest.” With a mere tap of the left trigger, she channels this power, transforming barren Earth into a lush paradise, one delicate plant or elusive creature at a time, tending to the ecosystem. The sheer joy of watching his heart fly through the air is reminiscent of a boomerang, while your controller thrills with tactile feedback, it’s a sensory symphony that taps to the very essence of the game. Still, one cannot help but yearn for a more in-depth exploration of this unique ability. Instead, it’s mainly relegated to lackluster conflicts, where Gaia’s strength is depleted, and sporadic encounters that demand her reach distant switches. Alas, the latter tests the limits of patience as Gaia’s auto-aim mechanism fixes on objects reflecting her altitude, forcing her to perform unnecessary acrobatics and leaps that defy logic.

In a captivating twist, by holding the left trigger and releasing it, Gaia opens the heart of the forest in a spectacular display. The surrounding area fills with vibrant colors as grass and flowers grow, creating a temporary but mesmerizing visual tapestry. Unfortunately, the spell ends after a few fleeting seconds, just as Earth regains the spell itself. However, that changes when you stumble upon one of the elusive forest spirits. Using that same power, you can permanently restore them to the Ark, a central hub full of life and wonder. It serves as a delightful menagerie, which houses all the ghostly animals you’ve collected on your extraordinary journey. Yes, within these ethereal realms, you can even enjoy petting a ghost dog, although a live one would have been a pleasant surprise.

And that, my friends, is the essence of Gaia and the intricately woven tapestry of the narrative of After Us. Each forest spirit is an important piece of the puzzle, embedded within an open world full of meandering corridors that connect the different areas. As I ventured through the game’s visually stunning and mechanically diverse landscapes, I found myself moving seamlessly between eight different regions. The convenience of the fast-travel system allowed me to roam at my leisure, taking in the breathtaking sights and immersive atmosphere that awaited me around every corner.

A Delicate Balance: Navigating Non-Linear Travels and Vulnerable Collisions in Our Aftermath

Be prepared to get tangled up in the intricate web of what follows us, where the absence of a linear progression lends an alluring sense of freedom and choice. This non-linear structure allows players the freedom to forge their own path, free from the constraints of a predetermined order. Yet, as the mesmerizing 12-hour tale approaches its climax, a troubling digression creeps in. The game’s navigation, once a guiding beacon, falls short, leaving players to wander in search of the elusive final level. The concept of ascending difficulty becomes a fuzzy notion, as open-ended areas fail to provide a concrete sense of progress. Instead of building on established mechanics, After Us veers in unexpected directions, creating an intriguing but disjointed tapestry. Without divulging spoilers, suffice it to say that the campaign’s conclusion matches the non-linearity of the narrative – a delicate resolution that may leave some longing for a more climactic climax.

After Us
(Image Credit: Google)

Standing as the primary antagonists, the devotees embody the malevolent souls of humanity, consumed by the ravages of unchecked consumerism that bring about Earth’s downfall. However, engaging with these spectral foes proves to be a weak affair. Armed with only the boomerang orb at your disposal, encounters lack the depth and thrill one might expect. The Orb’s meager damage output requires a repetitive cycle of disrupting and retrieving, a mundane dance that fails to ignite enthusiasm. Furthermore, the array of enemy types remains frustratingly limited, and breaking free from their clutches becomes a mundane task, with a mere tap of the X button to escape their grasp. Combat, unfortunately, devolves into a monotonous routine of circular motion, giving the impression that combat encounters were only included as padding, artificially lengthening the game’s story. One can’t help but ponder whether game has given up on the sparkle entirely, allowing its focus to be solely on its intriguing and captivating storytelling, unconcerned by unnecessary conflicts.

Navigating the ambitious level design of our aftermath: a visual spectacle with gameplay inconsistencies

Prepare to be enthralled, as the real shining star of After Us lies in its breathtaking visual design. Throughout the campaign, an astonishing array of mechanical and visual variety unfolds before your eyes, showcasing the audacious creativity that pervades the game. Each level introduces bold concepts that leave a lasting impression. Imagine yourself maneuvering through a dilapidated national park, deftly dodging the ghostly saw blades that threaten your progress. Or imagine teleporting between television screens, engaging in a heart-pounding race between lightning pylons, reminiscent of the exhilarating rail-grinding minigames found in the beloved Ratchet & Clank series. When played on a 4K TV, in mesmerizing 2K display mode on PlayStation 5, Game presents a feast for the eyes. The game deserves an applause for its largely consistent performance, though minor lags and hiccups can sometimes hamper the smooth experience.

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After Us (2)
(Image Credit: Google)

However, it is within the intersection of these captivating visual and storytelling ideas that our pursuits sometimes falter. The level design, while ambitious, lacks the cohesion needed for a truly immersive experience. The moment-to-moment platforming becomes a test of patience, often plagued by flaky controls that make you grapple with uncertainty. Navigating these sections often requires a considerable amount of guesswork, leading to frustrating deaths and a sense of trial and error. Countless times, progress has rested on attempting seemingly unimaginable leaps, only to discover that they were in fact the right course of action. While this trial-and-error approach may add up to fun and satisfaction, it’s hard to label it as truly challenging, given the abundance of autosaves that repeatedly put me back to the point of saving where I lost my memory. Met with an untimely demise. The repeated safety net of these autosaves, while convenient, diminishes the real thrill of overcoming real obstacles.

A Synth-Driven Ode to Dystopia: The Enchanting Musical Score of After Us

The captivating synth-driven musical score becomes an unwavering companion as you begin your journey through game, a symphony of electronic sounds that echoes the unmistakable essence of Blade Runner. The predominantly synthetic composition, characterized by its sweeping sawtooth pads and mesmerizing arpeggios, weaves a compelling tapestry of sounds that perfectly complements the dark and desolate post-apocalyptic setting. Each tone, each chord, resonates deeply, immersing you in a world of nostalgic beauty.

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As the haunting tune echoes through the game’s environment, you can’t help but feel a sense of magic and intrigue. The music reflects the gloom and uncertainty that pervade the game’s atmosphere, capturing the essence of a world on the brink of collapse. It’s a sonic journey that transports you to visions of a dystopian city where neon lights shimmer amidst the rain, and the remnants of a once-thriving civilization are shrouded in shadow.

(Video Credit: PlayStation)

The synth-driven score serves as a poignant backdrop as you traverse crumbling landscapes, forming a symbiotic relationship with the narrative. It evokes a range of emotions, from introspection and longing to moments of intensity and discovery. It is a score that portrays vivid sonic imagery, conjuring up images of dilapidated buildings, twinkling holographic advertisements, and the ethereal dance of tears and raindrops.

While there may be yearnings for monologues about C-beams and assault ships from the shoulder of Orion, the absence of such dialogue is replaced by the music’s ability to stir to the depths of your soul. The tunes immerse you in a futuristic soundscape where artificiality and emotion are intertwined, creating an listening experience that resonates long after the game is over. Game demonstrates a commitment to crafting a harmonious fusion of visuals, storytelling and music that captivates players with its nostalgic yet forward-thinking score.


After Us Presents a unique challenge when it comes to making a recommendation based solely on its platforming mechanics. While its nature-focused allure is undeniably appealing, allowing players to breathe back into a post-apocalyptic world, the game’s inconsistent controls and directionless nature can be frustrating. It’s a mixed bag, with some levels bringing a smile to your face while others leaving you yearning for a smoother experience. However, amidst these ups and downs, there is a silver lining in the form of its captivating visual design and catchy musical score. These elements come together to create a truly mesmerizing scene that captivates the senses.

That being said, given the lack of character development for the protagonists and the complete absence of dialogue, it’s hard to ignore the heaviness of the environmentalist themes that follow us. The game’s commitment to promoting environmental awareness is commendable, but it feels somewhat out of place in a medium that typically relies on rich storytelling and character-driven narratives. By the end of the game, one can’t help but question whether the environmental damage caused by playing through the experience outweighs the intended message.

Ultimately, recommending After Us becomes a subjective matter, as its strengths and weaknesses are intertwined. If you can look past the frustrations of the platforming and embrace the game’s superb art direction and captivating music, you’ll find joy in its immersive world. However, for those seeking a more cohesive narrative and polished gameplay experience, it may be best to consider other options.


What is After Us?

After Us is a post-apocalyptic video game that combines the elements of Platforming, Environment Regeneration, and Narrative-driven storytelling.

What platforms is After Us available on?

After Us is available on various gaming platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

What is the Objective of the Game?

The objective of After Us is to control the Protagonist, Gaia, as she explores a desolate world and uses her power to restore life and harmony to the environment.

Is After Us a linear Game?

No, After Us offers a non-linear experience, allowing players to freely explore the game world and forge their own path.

Are there combat elements in After Us?

Yes, game includes combat elements where Gaia fights against spectral enemies known as Devourers. However, some players may find the combat mechanics lacking.

Does After Us have Dialogue or Character Development?

No, game relies on wordless Storytelling, which can stifle the depth of character development. The Game communicates its narrative primarily through environmental cues and visuals.

How Long is the Gameplay Experience?

The Gameplay Experience in After Us is approximately 12 hours, but this can vary based on different playstyles and explorations

Are there Fast-travel Options in After Us?

Yes, game features a fast-travel system that allows players to move easily between different areas of the game world.

Does After Us have a Captivating Soundtrack?

Yes, After Us features a synth-driven musical score that complements the atmosphere of the game and enhances the immersive experience.

Is After Us Recommended for all Players?

After Us‘ recommendation depends on personal preferences. Players who appreciate the stunning visuals, environmental themes, and unique gameplay concepts may find enjoyment in the game despite its flaws. However, those seeking a refined and linear narrative experience may want to consider other options.

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