The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution | A Guide to Conquer the Darkness

Prepare yourself for an intense experience in The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution. This captivating sequel plunges you back into the terrifying world of the undead, where you must navigate the flooded streets of New Orleans in order to survive. If you find yourself struggling to cope in this post-apocalyptic world, fear not, as we have some premium tips and tricks to help you rise to the challenge. With these expert strategies, you’ll be able to dominate the hordes of zombies lurking around every corner and emerge as a true survivor.

The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution
(Image Credit: Google)

Explore the spooky streets of New Orleans with confidence, knowing that you have the knowledge and skills needed to overcome any obstacle. From mastering combat techniques to finding valuable resources, these tips and tricks will give you the edge you need to stay one step ahead of the undead.

Unleash Your Creativity and Explore the Dark Underbelly of New Orleans with The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution

Embark on an exciting new journey with The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners and discover a world full of mysterious new craft materials! Casing and Biomass have arrived, bringing with them new crafting tables that allow you to unleash your creativity and craft the perfect survival tool. But that’s not all – get ready to explore the captivating city of New Orleans by night!

To head out in the dark, you have two options: either use the Resting Place’s trusty Flask to catch some Z’s during the day or head out to a new spot instead of returning to your base camp. With this great trick, you can visit two places in one day!

Get the most out of your tactical flashlight, especially its UV setting. Not only will it shed light on rare loot items such as Bird Skulls, Oyster Mushrooms and Moss, but it will also uncover secret frescoes that lead to a local exiled merchant. And that’s not all – you can even find Exiles dead at night with their abandoned backpacks full of goodies like ingredients, powerful healing items, useful loot and even guns!

So, take a deep breath and explore the dark underbelly of New Orleans with The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 RetributionChapter 2 Retribution. You never know what treasure is waiting for you among the shadows. And with the game’s new crafting table, you can create some really impressive items that will help you survive and thrive in this post-apocalyptic world. Don’t miss out on the action – the night is full of profits!

The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution
(Image Credit: Google)

Surviving the Night: Navigating the Darkness in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners

A sense of foreboding hung thick in the night air, as if the darkness held secrets it was reluctant to reveal. The streets were empty and silent, except for the occasional rustle of critters scavenging from the rubble. The flickering light of the dustbin fire offered a glimmer of hope in this bleak landscape, but it also served as a beacon for the walking dead.

Hiding in the shadows, each step was taken with the utmost care. The darkness was amplifying the sound of every step, it seemed as if the whole world was listening. It was imperative to stay out of sight, blend in with the night, and go unnoticed. Pedestrians tottered along the streets in great numbers, their ravenous hunger propelling them forward.

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Despite the danger, darkness had its advantages. This provided cover, making it difficult for pedestrians to detect any signs of life. It was also easy to move undetected, slipping from the shadows and avoiding the prying eyes of the dead. The dustbin fires provided little respite, their twinkling light illuminating the way ahead and revealing any potential obstacles.

As the scavenger continues on his journey, the darkness embraces him as a silent ally in this unforgiving world. Every step was taken with caution, every breath held in anticipation of what would happen next. But with each passing moment, Mehtar inched closer to his goal, traversing the treacherous terrain of the night and emerging victorious.

Surviving the Undead: Navigating the Night with Care and Caution

The night was surrounded by an eerie silence, which was broken only by the low groans of people walking nearby. It was a strange consolation, since their moaning served as a warning, helping the scavenger to lead the dead out of the way. Each step was taken with the utmost care, as the slightest mistake could have resulted in disaster.

Even a lone pedestrian can create enough commotion to attract a crowd, their hungry cries echoing in the darkness. It was a risk that simply could not be taken, not when the stakes were so high. Fortunately, scavengers have tools to deal with such situations. Frankenflare or noisemaker arrows were invaluable in drawing pedestrians away, giving them a brief opportunity to slip away undetected.

Of course, there were always those who preferred a more direct approach. For those skilled in combat, making their way through on foot was a viable option. It required a level of expertise and quick thinking, but it was certainly possible. However, this was not a task to be undertaken lightly, as it would require a considerable amount of resources. Bringing plenty of melee weapons and bullets was an absolute necessity for those who were planning on engaging in direct combat with pedestrians.

In this desolate world, every decision has weight, every move has consequences. Whether it’s using the moans of the dead as a guide, or confronting them directly, the Scavenger must be prepared for whatever comes next.

The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution
(Image Credit: Google)

Unleash Your Inner Fighter: The Thrilling New Close-Combat Weapons in The Walking Dead

In the realm of close combat weapons, there are few tools as thrilling as the new weapons introduced in Chapter 2 of The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners. Two standout pieces of equipment are the Sap Gloves and the Bolted Up Gloves, which give survivors a distinct advantage in fending off hordes of the undead.

Unlike other weapons that take up valuable inventory space, these gloves are worn directly on the hands, allowing you to deliver fast, devastating punches at pedestrians without sacrificing mobility. Picture this: You’re in the middle of a fierce skirmish, and all of a sudden, your trusty weapon slips from your grip. Fear not, as the sap and bolted gloves provide a reliable backup plan.

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These gloves are not your average knuckle-duster – they are a powerful weapon in their own right. With their help, you can hit pedestrians on the head, or grab their cranium and drive your fist straight into their skull. If you’re lucky enough to buy the Bolted Glove, which is an upgrade from the already formidable Sap Glove, you’ll have a significant edge over the Shabby Corpse.

To get these game-changing gloves, head to Bourbon Street and head to the brown-marked building for the Bolted Gloves recipe. For more specific directions on where to find these iconic tools, see our article on New Recipe Locations.

Uncovering Treasures and Surprises in the Darkness

When the sun sets and darkness falls, the world turns into a treasure trove of new loot just waiting to be discovered. But the night beauty isn’t the only thing that shines with promise – there are plenty of new items to be found scattered throughout the country.

While the trusty loot boxes of the past still have their place, they now come in a variety of sizes. In particular, the medium and large boxes contain tons of fabulous treasures that shouldn’t be missed.

(Video Credit: PlayStation)

But be careful, as the most coveted items may be hiding in plain sight. For example, take the ordinary pool ball – a simple little sphere that might seem like just another piece of junk. But don’t be fooled, my friend, because there are a lot of valuable resources hidden in that little package. So don’t hesitate to pick it up and pack it in your bag.

And if you’re looking for more goodies, keep your eye out for musical instruments like guitars and saxophones. These seemingly inconsequential items may only take up space on your inventory, but they contain a wealth of ingredients that will definitely come in handy on your travels.

Explore the Exile Trade Network in The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

Get ready for a thrilling experience as you venture into the unknown and explore the vast and complex Exile trade network in The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution. This new network brings a whole new level of excitement to the game, and it’s something you won’t want to miss out on. So buckle up and get ready to immerse yourself in the intense thrill of it all!

As the sun begins to set, a mysterious exiled merchant emerges from the shadows at a specific location on each map. This elusive merchant can be difficult to spot, but don’t worry, because with the help of your trusty UV tactical flashlight, you can easily locate his whereabouts by following the trail of cats painted on the walls. Each cat represents one step closer to your goal, so keep your eyes open and your wits about you!

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Once you locate the elusive merchant, they will request a completion from you. These requests often include things that you would normally ignore or put aside thinking they are of no use. But do not rush to discard them, as you may need them later. To see what the merchant is looking for, check the box on the green tab of your journal, and you’ll get a list of items you need.

Once you’ve collected the items you need, return them to the merchant, and you’ll receive a reward in return. It may not seem like much at first, but trust us when we say that the rewards get better as you progress. Each trader has three different orders, and the value of the prize increases with each trade. So don’t be too quick to dismiss trades, as you might be missing out on a golden opportunity!

The Exiles Trade Network is an exciting new addition to The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution, and it’s something every player should take advantage of. So what are you waiting for? Grab your UV tactical flashlight, and start following those cats! Who knows what treasure is waiting for you at the end of the journey?


The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution delivers an intense and immersive experience in the post-apocalyptic world of New Orleans. With expert tips and tricks, you can navigate dark and treacherous streets, unleash your creativity through crafting, and master close combat techniques to fend off hordes of the undead. The addition of the Exile Trade Network brings a whole new level of excitement and rewards to the game. So, grab your weapons, accept the challenges and emerge as a true champion in this exciting journey. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable adventure filled with danger, mystery and victory.


What is The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution?

The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution is a video game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies. It is the sequel to The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners and players walk through the flooded streets of New Orleans using combat techniques and resource management skills to survive.

What are the premium Tips and Tricks for The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution?

Premium tips and tricks for The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Chapter 2 Retribution include mastering combat techniques, finding valuable resources, and using stealth to avoid detection by zombies. They also suggest using the tactical flashlight’s UV setting, which reveals rare loot items and secret graffiti that lead to a local exiled merchant. Additionally, he advises players to take advantage of the game’s new crafting table to create useful items that will aid in their survival.

What new crafting materials are available in The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners?

The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners introduces new craft materials called casings and biomass. These materials can be used to craft new items and equipment that will help players survive in a post-apocalyptic world.

How can players explore the dark underbelly of New Orleans in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners?

Players can explore the dark underbelly of New Orleans in The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners by resting during the day or visiting a new location instead of returning to their base camp. They can also use the tactical flashlight’s UV setting, which reveals hidden loot items and secret graffiti that lead to a local exiled merchant.

How can players navigate the night in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners?

Players can navigate the night in The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners by using caution and stealth to avoid being detected by zombies. They can also use devices such as Frankenflares or Noisemaker Arrows to draw zombies away and create a window of opportunity to escape undetected. Alternatively, players can choose to fight their way through zombies using melee weapons and bullets, but this requires a significant amount of resources.

What is the objective of The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution?

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution Aim for survival in a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies by navigating the flooded streets of New Orleans, mastering combat techniques, finding valuable resources and crafting useful items. Gotta stay alive.

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