Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals Review – A Captivating Journey into Supernatural Mysteries

Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals offers a fresh take on its highly acclaimed predecessor from 2016. In contrast to the original game, which centered around a teenager named Alex and her friends embarking on a transformative journey that involved facing an uncertain future, Lost Signals introduces us to Riley Poverly, now in her thirties, who feels trapped in the responsibilities of adulthood. Seeking a chance to reinvent herself, Riley decides to return to her hometown of Camena, a mining community, with the intention of hitting the reset button on her life.

Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals
(Image Credit: Google)

Rediscovering Identity and Purpose: A Unique Twist on the Coming-of-Age Tale in Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals

With a fascinating twist on the conventional coming-of-age narrative, the sequel manages to captivate by offering a refreshing yet familiar experience. Gone are the days of simply retracing the same footsteps with a fresh batch of adolescents. Instead, this story breathes new life into the genre. Personally, as someone grappling with a midlife crisis while hurtling towards my thirties, Riley’s predicament deeply resonated with me.

Riley finds herself questioning not only the choices she has made in her life but also the profound impact she has had on both individuals and the world at large. This introspection forms the crux of her dilemma, adding an element of authenticity that strikes a chord with readers. The relatability of her plight draws us in, compelling us to reflect on our own lives and the significance of our actions.

Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals
(Image Credit: Google)

As I delved deeper into the narrative, I couldn’t help but contemplate the notion of self-discovery, a universal pursuit that transcends age and time. Riley’s journey serves as a poignant reminder that our quest for identity and purpose is an ongoing process, constantly evolving as we navigate the intricacies of life.

This sequel not only manages to enthrall with its innovative take on the coming-of-age genre but also provides a relatable and thought-provoking exploration of personal growth. By weaving a tapestry of emotions and uncertainties, it reminds us that introspection and self-reflection are vital aspects of our human experience, regardless of the stage of life we find ourselves in.

Riley, accompanied by Jacob, a former classmate from high school, embark on a mission in Camena to deploy antennas for tracking peculiar signals that have been disrupting electronic devices across the town. Just as they set up the initial antenna, an inexplicable incident occurs on Edwards Island, which serves as the backdrop for the first game. Intrigued, they decide to delve into the matter and conduct an investigation. While Lost Signals can be enjoyed as a standalone narrative, I highly recommend playing the original game beforehand to grasp the significance of Edwards Island. Without that foundation, you might find yourself disoriented right from the start. (It’s worth noting that Camena briefly appeared in the secret ending of the first game, but its presence is greatly expanded upon in this installment.) Although Riley’s story is technically self-contained, it is intertwined with references to the events of the previous game, with familiar characters making appearances throughout. You’ll miss out on a wealth of context if you don’t take the time to experience the earlier game at least once.

An Immersive Blend of Scrolling Adventure and Interactive Storytelling

Immersed in the captivating world of Lost Signals, players are transported into a scrolling 2D gameplay experience, where they guide Riley through the mesmerizing hand-drawn landscapes of Camena and beyond. Along the way, delightful environmental puzzles await, demanding players to tune Riley’s radio to specific frequencies. Additionally, the allure of hidden collectibles adds an adventurous platformer vibe, inviting players to explore uncharted territories off the well-trodden path.

While Lost Signals incorporates elements of an adventure game, it leans towards the realm of a visual novel, where meaningful conversations and decision-making take center stage. Engaging in thought-provoking dialogues becomes the primary focus, as players navigate through various dialogue options, each holding the potential to shape the outcome of the story. Even seemingly trivial discussions, like those concerning parents, bear immense significance, with Riley’s chosen responses echoing throughout the narrative.

Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals
(Image Credit: Google)

The choices players make, whether to act with cruelty, brushing off others’ concerns, or to display empathy and kindness throughout the journey, wield tremendous influence on the unfolding events. Every decision resonates, setting the stage for far-reaching consequences and determining the ultimate conclusion of Riley’s odyssey. The depth of character interaction and the intricacies of choice-based storytelling elevate Lost Signals to a remarkable gaming experience that lingers in the players’ minds.

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Lost Signals masterfully intertwines scrolling adventure gameplay with interactive storytelling, allowing players to immerse themselves in a visually stunning world. The fusion of environmental puzzles and captivating dialogue choices creates an engaging tapestry of gameplay, where each decision holds significance, shaping Riley’s fate and leaving a lasting impact on the players’ emotional journey.

Unraveling the Enigma: Unsettling Discoveries and Dynamic Character Interactions

As Riley and Jacob delve deeper into their investigation of the enigmatic signals plaguing Camena, an unsettling truth emerges—these eerie transmissions begin to take a toll on their sanity. Amidst the perplexing anomalies, the sudden appearance of red-eyed phantoms, delivering cryptic messages in disjointed sentences punctuated by static, instills an uneasy sensation with every encounter.

Naturally, such inexplicable horrors keep Riley and Jacob on edge, leading to captivating and nonchalant dialogues that unfold between them, as they strive to maintain their sanity. Surprisingly, the banter between the two proves immensely entertaining, even when discussing mundane topics like the revival of late fees for overdue library books. It’s within these seemingly casual conversations that deeper revelations surface, gradually uncovering the complex dynamic between Riley and Jacob. While Jacob has never known life beyond Camena, he shares a common quest for purpose with Riley. Their unique perspectives intertwine, shaping their individual journeys as well as their shared experiences.

Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals
(Image Credit: Google)

Moreover, Riley’s responses to Jacob and other characters play a pivotal role in shaping the story’s outcome. A rude or dismissive attitude towards Jacob or neglecting opportunities to foster a bond with him may result in him not accompanying Riley until the journey’s end. The seamless flow of conversations within Lost Signals evokes authenticity and realism, a testament to the exceptional scriptwriting and remarkable voice acting.

Lost Signals immerses players in a world of unsettling discoveries and psychological tension. The enthralling interactions between Riley and Jacob add depth to their characters, revealing their shared yearning for purpose amidst the enigmatic signals. The impact of Riley’s choices and responses resonates, influencing the ultimate trajectory of the narrative. With its skillfully crafted dialogues and superb voice acting, Lost Signals presents an immersive experience where the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, leaving players enthralled and eagerly anticipating the unfolding mysteries.

A Masterful Blend of Pacing and User-Friendly Design

Lost Signals exhibits a notably improved pace compared to its predecessor, swiftly immersing players into a world of spectral intrigue and captivating supernatural occurrences. From the outset, the game effortlessly grabs your attention, hooking you with its eerie and ghostly undertones. Remarkably, this heightened momentum doesn’t come at the expense of the endearing quiet moments that added charm to the original game. The delightful banter between Riley and Jacob, reminiscent of the dynamic between Alex and her friends in the first installment, captures that same essence, offering respite amidst the paranormal chaos.

(Video Credit: Nintendo of America)

Noteworthy enhancements extend beyond the storytelling domain, as Lost Signals presents an improved user interface. Addressing previous concerns, the game ensures a seamless and intuitive experience for players. Interacting with objects, such as ledges, now features clear and unmistakable visual cues, exemplified by a prominent “B” button encircled by a distinctive symbol. Similarly, when faced with dialogue options, players are provided with visible face buttons, facilitating informed decision-making and eliminating any confusion.

These enhancements contribute to a polished and user-friendly design, enhancing immersion and allowing players to focus on the captivating narrative and atmospheric exploration that Lost Signals offers.

Lost Signals skillfully balances an engrossing pace, swiftly drawing players into a world of supernatural mystery, while retaining the endearing moments that made its predecessor beloved. The engaging interactions between Riley and Jacob mirror the charm of the original game, fostering a sense of camaraderie amidst the otherworldly events. Additionally, the improved user interface streamlines gameplay, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience. Lost Signals demonstrates a mastery of pacing and user-friendly design, heightening the immersion and ensuring players remain captivated throughout their spectral journey.

Unveiling the Enigmatic Time-Travel and Complex Antagonists

Lost Signals skillfully integrates time-travel elements into its narrative, echoing the previous game’s usage with Alex. Throughout the story, Riley finds herself ensnared in time loops, providing glimpses into the dark history of Camena. These moments serve as portals into the past, where Riley must manipulate her radio’s frequency to rupture the fabric of space-time and alter the present. For instance, a blocked tunnel may obstruct her path, but by manipulating time, she can transport herself to a period where the obstruction doesn’t exist. This captivating gameplay mechanic, reminiscent of Titanfall 2’s time gauntlet, adds depth and intrigue, although one wishes it were utilized more frequently.

Introducing the primary antagonist, the enigmatic cult known as Parentage, Lost Signals weaves a web of manipulation surrounding Camena’s supernatural phenomena, including time travel and spatial portals. Unlike the truly macabre enterprises of Resident Evil’s Umbrella Corporation, Parentage’s presence is more unsettling than outright terrifying. In fact, as players encounter murals dedicated to the cult, Jacob astutely remarks on their seemingly harmless fascination with astrology, suggesting an air of benign curiosity.

Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals

As the story unfolds, Riley and Jacob gradually realize that the members of Parentage are more misguided than inherently malicious. Nevertheless, their methods pose a significant threat to lives within Camena. Parentage serves as a crucial avenue for exploring Lost Signals’ overarching themes of loss and yearning. While Riley grapples with the consequences of her past choices and navigates her path forward, some members of Parentage cling desperately to specific moments in their past, yearning to relive them incessantly.

In this manner, Lost Signals presents a complex portrayal of its antagonists, delving beyond mere villainy for the sake of it. Parentage becomes a conduit for exploring the intricacies of human desires, contrasting with Riley’s personal journey. While the organization’s intentions are misguided, they reflect the poignant exploration of loss and the yearning to reclaim what is lost. Through Parentage’s goals, Lost Signals delves into the fragility of human nature and the consequences of refusing to let go.

Lost Signals adeptly incorporates time-travel elements, providing captivating gameplay through the manipulation of space-time. The enigmatic cult, Parentage, serves as a multifaceted antagonist, their misguided aspirations shedding light on the overarching themes of loss and yearning explored within the game. Through the contrast between Riley’s introspective journey and Parentage’s desperate grasp on the past, Lost Signals crafts a narrative that delves into the depths of human emotions and the repercussions of clinging to what was once lost.

Exploring Themes of Legacy and Redemption: The Evocative Endings of ‘Camena’ Game 

The game’s various endings beautifully embody these themes. Throughout the game, the casual conversations between Riley and Jacob, as they navigate the world of Camena together, foreshadow their respective fates. Jacob yearns to leave a lasting impact and be remembered, while Riley grapples with the need to let go of her past to embrace a brighter future.

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As the story unfolds, the true motivations of the enigmatic group, Parentage, gradually come into focus. Surprisingly, I found myself developing a sense of sympathy for their cause. In the end, against my usual inclination, I made the conscious choice to align with them and fulfill their desires.


Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals flips the script, taking us on a captivating journey through adulthood. With eerie supernatural elements, time-travel mechanics, and compelling dialogue, it’s more than a sequel—it’s a thematic adventure that leaves you sympathizing with unexpected allies. Get ready to question your choices and embrace the haunting beauty of Camena once again.


Is Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals a Sequel to the Original Oxenfree Game?

Yes, Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals is a sequel to the original Oxenfree game. It follows a different protagonist, Riley Poverly, and introduces new characters and locations while also expanding on the events of the first game.

Do I Need to Play the Original Oxenfree Game Before Playing Lost Signals?

While Lost Signals is designed to be a standalone story, it heavily references the events of the first game and features returning characters. Playing the original game will provide important context and enhance your understanding of the story. It is recommended to play the original Oxenfree before starting Lost Signals.

What is the Gameplay Like in Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals?

Lost Signals features scrolling 2D gameplay with hand-drawn environments. Players navigate Riley through the town of Camena and beyond, occasionally solving environmental puzzles by tuning Riley’s radio to match certain frequencies. The game also includes dialogue-based interactions, where players choose between various dialogue options that can influence the story and ending.

Are There Supernatural Elements in Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals?

Yes, Lost Signals includes supernatural elements similar to the first game. As Riley and Jacob investigate the mysterious signals in Camena, they encounter phantoms with red eyes and experience time-travel elements. Time loops and the ability to tune the radio to access the past are gameplay mechanics that play a significant role in the story.

What is the Main Antagonist in Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals?

The primary antagonist in Lost Signals is a cult called Parentage. While they initially appear harmless and merely interested in astrology, their ambitions involve exploiting Camena’s supernatural phenomena for their own purposes. The cult’s goals and methods become a contrast to Riley’s journey of grappling with past decisions and moving forward in life.

Does Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals Have Multiple Endings?

Yes, Lost Signals features multiple endings that are influenced by the choices made during conversations and interactions throughout the game. The ending you experience will depend on how Riley responds to other characters and the decisions made along the way. These endings reflect the game’s themes of loss, yearning, and the consequences of past decisions.

How Does Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals Compare to the Original Game in Terms of Pacing and Gameplay Improvements?

Lost Signals is considered to have better pacing than the original game, with events delving more quickly into the ghostly and supernatural elements while still retaining the charm of quiet moments and character banter. The user interface has also been improved, with clearer indications of interactable objects and dialogue options.

Is Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals a Scary Game?

Lost Signals is described as having an unsettling tone rather than being outright scary. While it includes supernatural elements and moments of tension, the game focuses more on storytelling, character development, and exploration. The emphasis is on the mystery and the psychological aspects of the narrative rather than horror elements.

How Long is Oxenfree 2 Lost Signals?

The length of the game can vary depending on individual playstyles and exploration. On average, players can expect to complete the main story of Lost Signals in around 5-7 hours. However, additional playthroughs to experience different endings and explore optional content can extend the overall playtime.

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