RoboCop: Rogue City Video Game Review – Tactical Gameplay and Immersive Rogue Patrols in the Iconic Hero’s Comeback

Welcome to our RoboCop: Rogue City investigation. We are going to explore the game’s environment and analyze its advantages and weaknesses in this review. We will take a look into Peter Weller’s comeback to the famous role, in addition to the incredible battle. We’ll also look at the game’s unique patrol tasks and how your decisions affect the outcome.

RoboCop: Rogue City Video Game Review
(Image Credit: Google)

So, whether you’re a RoboCop enthusiast or just curious about the game, come along with us as we uncover what ‘RoboCop: Rogue City‘ has to offer.

Exploring RoboCop’s Humanity Yet Falling Short in RoboCop: Rogue City

RoboCop: Rogue City Video Game Review
(Image Credit: Google)

The famous crime-fighting robot RoboCop is shown in RoboCop: Rogue City handling a failure during a high-stakes hostage scenario. He has flashbacks to his past life as a devoted parent and husband because of this defect. Omni Consumer Products (OCP), the company, is willing to fix this hardware problem and even gives RoboCop a therapist. Although themes of control, free choice, and the purpose of RoboCop were touched upon in the first RoboCop films, these scenes were frequently handled awkwardly and without a satisfactory resolution.

Rogue City gives players a variety of dialogue options during required therapy sessions in an effort to dive deeper into Officer Alex Murphy’s mind. By making these decisions, you can delve deeper into RoboCop’s identity and humanity, which could result in some intriguing scenes and shape how other people view him. But the way these issues are explored in the game feels a little stale and doesn’t really provide anything fresh, either within the RoboCop universe or in the larger media landscape. As a result, Rogue City commits the error of repeating the mistakes and rehashing tired themes from the first films.

RoboCop: Rogue City – Familiar Plotlines and Pacing Hiccups

RoboCop: Rogue City Video Game Review
(Image Credit: Google)

RoboCop: Rogue City explores corporate wrongdoing within OCP through a number of subplots that put RoboCop and his fellow cops in risk. While an inquisitive journalist relentlessly investigates the matter, a sincere rookie police officer needs some on-the-job training. A mayoral contest also takes place, with both contenders vying for RoboCop’s support. While these subplots offer some predictable twists and turns, they generally follow the formulaic rules of action movies. They frequently return to themes from the first two films, like how urban expansion and gentrification drive out the poor and how the Detroit Police Department complains about OCP’s bad handling of the department.


The story has interesting parts that keep the reader interested, but the second part of the novel has pace problems. The way these many storylines come together causes it to appear to be almost finished several times, only to go on for hours longer, which weakens the sense of momentum it tries to build.

Peter Weller Returns to Form as RoboCop in Rogue City

RoboCop: Rogue City Video Game Review
(Image Credit: Google)

Peter Weller triumphantly returns to the legendary role of RoboCop in RoboCop: Rogue City. Weller returns to the role with ease, delivering familiar catchphrases and deadpan lines with precision and a strong nostalgic vibe. He proves that he is, in fact, RoboCop with a performance that finds the ideal mix between humor and memorable moments that will have fans cheering.


The game also has well-known supporting cast members, such as Sergeant Reed and Anne Lewis, albeit with different voice actors. These individuals help to fully immerse players in the RoboCop universe by adding to the game’s amazing feeling of location and realism. Reminiscent of the feat witnessed in Alien: Isolation’s opening sequence, the game’s painstaking attention to detail, from its visual language to one-to-one set recreations, successfully evokes the look and feel of the classic cinema era.

RoboCop’s Lethal Combat in Rogue City

RoboCop: Rogue City Video Game Review
(Image Credit: Google)

The game RoboCop: Rogue City plays heavily on the power fantasy of controlling RoboCop through deft combat. Murphy moves slowly and lacks the modern FPS agility of rolling, jumping, and sliding, but he makes up for it by being a walking tank. Taking on the role of this well-known figure, players use RoboCop’s trademark Auto-9 machine pistol to methodically dispatch waves of adversaries. Headshots have gratifyingly visceral effects, with craniums exploding like watermelons and splattering blood and gore all over the place.

To add variation, players can use RoboCop’s increased power to punch right through opponents or throw heavy CRT monitors at them. In addition, the game has a talent tree that progressively reveals additional powers like slow-motion vision and a stun assault akin to a flashbang. But even with these additions, there isn’t much nuance to the fighting, which only serves to highlight the title character’s simple yet deadly strategy.

The Best Moments of RoboCop: Rogue City

Surprisingly, RoboCop: Rogue City excels when you’re able to easily clear out rooms, unleashing the full power and relentlessness of the iconic character. This approach mirrors the experience of RoboCop in the movies, where he is portrayed as a relentless and unstoppable force. The game nails the essence of this legendary character, with intense and over-the-top action moments, especially while mowing down adversaries.

This brief and action-packed strategy, however, has its limitations, and the game may benefit from being shorter to minimize repetition. Attempts to add new challenges frequently fail, especially when enemy numbers and health bars increase. The game suddenly transitions from rapid and flashy action to drab and protracted shootouts in which you must rely on cover to survive. During these times, RoboCop doesn’t feel like the intimidating force he is.

RoboCop: Rogue City shines when it taps into the innate power fantasy of playing as an almost invulnerable hero. The game’s most intriguing component is fully embracing the ethos of RoboCop, and it falters when it deviates from this focus.

(Video Credit: Nacon)

A Change of Pace in Rogue City – Patrolling and Minor Offenses

In the midst of the high-octane action of apprehending drug dealers and murderers in Rogue City, patrol tasks provide a welcome change of pace. At various times throughout the game, you’ll return to the same run-down area, breaking from the main plot to assist local folks and deal with petty offenses. There’s an irony in a cutting-edge cyborg issuing parking citations, and you’ll also deal with minor crimes like noise complaints, graffiti, and trash.

You have certain leeway in dealing with lawbreakers in these scenarios. You have the option of trusting the people and issuing a warning or strictly enforcing the law and issuing a citation. Your selections in these moments, as well as your other choices throughout the game, will have an impact on the game’s finale. Rogue City also includes some light RPG concepts here, particularly when completing more intricate side quests. For example, you may be busting a drug ring by tracking down a dealer who has been stealing from other dealers, or you could be solving a murder case that is only incidentally tied to a commercial for harmful sunscreen. 

These tasks add an enjoyable depth to the game and allow you to use RoboCop’s law enforcement abilities outside of combat. You can obtain knowledge by speaking with others or investigating your surroundings, using your scanning abilities to find proof. These aspects, while not overly sophisticated, add to a more well-rounded RoboCop gameplay experience.

The Verdict

RoboCop: Rogue City aims to explore the humanity of Officer Alex Murphy, the legendary RoboCop, while touching on themes of control, choice, and his purpose. While it introduces fascinating therapy sessions with dialogue possibilities, the execution falls short of providing a novel take on these issues, frequently returning to old notions from earlier films.

The tale, while engaging in places, suffers from pace concerns as it weaves several subplots, leaving players with the impression of a premature resolution. The reappearance of Peter Weller as RoboCop adds a nostalgic charm, while the supporting cast members contribute to the creation of an immersive RoboCop universe.

The game excels in depicting RoboCop’s combat skills, allowing players to live out the power fantasy of controlling this unstoppable hero. However, the combat may become tedious after a while.

Surprisingly, RoboCop: Rogue City delivers a pleasant change of pace with patrol activities, which allow players to explore RoboCop’s law enforcement talents outside of combat, adding depth to the gameplay experience.

FAQs for RoboCop: Rogue City

Q1: What are some of the themes and topics addressed in RoboCop: Rogue City, and how do they play out?

A1: RoboCop: Rogue City explores themes of control, freedom, and the role of RoboCop. It seeks to explore these concepts in the game through dialogue options and treatment sessions. However, the review implies that the treatment of these subjects is stale and lacks fresh ideas, frequently replicating themes from the original films.

Q2: How is the plot and pacing handled in RoboCop: Rogue City?

A2: The game is divided into several subplots, including corporate corruption inside OCP, investigative journalism, rookie police training, and a mayoral election. While some portions of the tale are intriguing, the review points out pacing flaws in the game’s second half. Because of the way these subplots intertwine, the story may appear to be almost ended several times before continuing, distorting the sensation of momentum.

Q3: What is Peter Weller’s role in RoboCop: Rogue City, and how does he fare in the game?

A3: RoboCop: Rogue City sees the return of Peter Weller, who played the character in the original films. Weller’s performance is praised in the review, which mentions how he delivers classic catchphrases and lines with precision, generating a nostalgic vibe. Sergeant Reed and Anne Lewis, among others, contribute to the game’s immersion in the RoboCop universe.

Q4: How does RoboCop’s combat talents come into play in the game, and what are some of the combat systems in RoboCop: Rogue City?

A4: RoboCop: Rogue City focuses on the power fantasy of commanding RoboCop in battle. RoboCop moves slowly, yet he is a dangerous adversary. Players dispatch enemies with his Auto-9 machine pistol, with headshots having visceral effects. Players can utilize things as weapons or punch through opponents. The game has a skill tree that reveals new abilities like slow-motion vision and stun attacks. The fighting mechanics, on the other hand, are described as lacking complexity and favoring a simple yet effective strategy.

Q5: Aside from combat, what other unique gameplay elements are stated in RoboCop: Rogue City?

A5: Patrol missions in the game provide a change of pace, allowing players to engage in law enforcement activities other than combat. These responsibilities include issuing parking citations, dealing with minor violations, and making decisions about how to enforce the law. The decisions players make during these missions can have an effect on the game’s ending. According to the review, these missions add depth to the gameplay and allow players to use RoboCop’s law enforcement abilities outside of battle, such as investigation and decision-making.

Q6: What works well in RoboCop: Rogue City and how does it approach the spirit of the RoboCop character?

A6: The game shines when it embraces the power fantasy of playing as an almost invulnerable hero, reflecting the essence of RoboCop as an unstoppable and relentless force. The game is renowned for its dramatic and over-the-top action sequences, especially when players can effortlessly clear out enemy-filled chambers. It accurately reflects the character’s representation in the movies. However, the review implies that when the game deviates from this focus, certain aspects of the game become repetitive or less entertaining.

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